Products made 100% from alpaca

Powered by renewable and eco-friendly energy

Fair and sustainable trade

Handcrafted by alpaca breeders


Our Producers

Currently, we are working with associations of alpaca fiber producers in the high Andean regions. Using appropriate and ecological technologies, they are transforming their own fiber through processes such as carding, washing, drying, carding, and dyeing to generate value-added products such as tops, artisanal threads, felts, accessories, and crafts. The goal is to access fair-priced markets and increase their competitiveness.


Artisans working happily





We are very happy and grateful for the support we are receiving from Yachaywasi and Peru LNG. Our family is moving forward.

Helen Moore


Ignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi. sint occaecatii gnissimos ducimus.

Helen Moore

Contact Us

With your purchase, you contribute to the economic development of high Andean families producing alpaca fiber. If you wish to acquire products in bulk or a specific design, do not hesitate to contact us.